From Rev Andrew Smith
Presbytery Minister - Congregation Futures
Fresh Expressions is an affiliation of people across various Christian traditions in the UK committed to resourcing people for mission in their local communities. They provide training in the Mission Shaped Ministry course that our Presbytery and Synod uses, and they are the ones who developed the “Godsend – Learning for Mission” resource.
One of their recent offerings is “SharingJesus.Life”, which gathers and expands resources about sharing Jesus from Mission Shaped Ministry and Godsend.
Sharing Jesus is a resource for introducing people to Christ in a group setting. To complement personal witness, it suggests how you might add a spiritual dimension alongside a luncheon club, drop-in centre or some other outreach. And it has ideas for sharing Jesus in a new worshipping community, fresh expression of church, missional community or church plant.
Perhaps you’ve been listening to God and your context, found a practical way to love people round you, and gathered those involved into a community. Sharing Jesus suggests how you might communicate your Christian faith as relationships deepen. If you haven’t listened to people, loved them and nurtured relationships with them, please don’t use this resource – at least, not yet!
You can freely access the sharing Jesus resources at Sharing Jesus includes seven topics, each with a video animation, a video story, and a short downloadable guide with additional ideas and explanation. The resources are arranged logically to give them a shape, but please don’t follow the order! Go to the section that most interests you. The seven topics are:
You can view a video launching and introducing these resources through the following link: Sharing Jesus - launching the new evangelism resource from Fresh Expressions - YouTube