From Rev Andrew Smith
Presbytery Minister - Congregation Futures
Last Saturday I gathered with 15 people from Woden Valley Uniting Church for a morning of rich conversation about why each of us is still a Christian.
The initiative to engage with this session arose from the Mission Planning Group of the congregation out of a desire
On the day, the comment was made that we are often better at saying what we do not believe or stand for in Christianity than we are at saying what we do believe or stand for in Christianity. The session was aimed at helping us articulate what we do believe and stand for in Christianity.
The phrasing of the question is important. It is “Why am I still a Christian”. Note that the question is not “Why I became a Christian” or “Why I go to Church”. It is “Why am I still a Christian”. Your answer will no doubt draw on experiences from the past, but it brings those into present as your present hope and reason for still being a Christian today.
Here is a summary of what the group collectively expressed. It is framed in the form of an affirmation of faith …
We follow the Christian way because in it we find:
The session was also a “taste and see” experience for the Mission Planning Group to get a better sense of whether the session is the kind of thing they would encourage for the wider congregation and, if so, how to best arrange it. There was enthusiasm from the participants to carry this further into the life of the congregation. So we look forward to this shaping up in the near future.
The question “Why am I still a Christian” comes from the “Makes you Wonder” resources prepared by Rev Dr Ian Robinson. You can access these resources through the following link to the Uniting Mission and Education website of our Synod: Makes You Wonder - Uniting Mission and Education. For the session about why am I still a Christian, look under the link “my story”.
If you are interested in how a session like this might work in your congregation, please have a look at the resources, and feel free to give me a call or an email to begin a conversation about it.